2019 IECD Press Release
2019 IECD Press Conference
Dementia? Stupidity? Hearing health could affect learning
Otolaryngologist teaches you three ultimate tricks
March 2nd “Family Hearing Day—Thousand People Hearing Screening” at Flora Expo: Educational entertainment for Hearing health and a happy life
Hearing has great effect on learning! According to the Ministry of Interior statistics, the hearing loss population of elders over 65 years old has reached 93,990 at the end of 2017, which is 77% of the entire hearing loss population. Comparing to the statistics of 2000, 42,000 more people suffer from hearing loss. In the opening press conference of PSA Hearing Month activities on February 26th, Dr. Tien Hui Chi, otolaryngologist of Asia University, stated that hearing loss interferes with the acceptance of external stimulation directly and dementia might occur prematurely due to the lack of interpersonal communication, even the mild hearing loss could affect learning. The PSA Charitable Foundation will hold the Family Hearing Day on March 2nd, 2019 and Thousand People Hearing Screening will take place at Yuanshan Expo Plaza. During the event, professional audiologists will conduct hearing screening with medical level equipment for the general public. The leading actor and actress of Children of the Lesser God presented by Godot Theatre Company, Qu Zhong Heng and Wang Shiao Sue will speak at the event about their own experiences. Wang will also teach everyone how to express happiness with sign language.
Dr. Tien Hui Chi, otolaryngologist of Asia University, talked about his clinical case of a 75-year-old man. The family of the case believed that he had dementia and his grandson even alienated him because he believed his grandfather was “so stupid”. Later on, the case had an unexpected change and became quite responsive. His foreign caretaker was shocked and some superstitious family members were even convinced that he was possessed by demon. Actually, the case was just diagnosed of hearing loss and thus started to wear hearing aid under the guidance of the otolaryngologist. His life was back to normal once he started to wear the proper hearing device and his family had realized that he did not have dementia after all. Dr. Tien suggested that people of all age should have hearing screening regularly and should wear hearing aids following the audiologist’s instruction if any hearing loss conditions were found.
Dr. Tien also showed us the three ultimate tricks on daily hearing protection: avoid extensive exposure to loud noise, have proper amount of exercise to control the three hypers, and reduce the intake of peroxide (such as fried chicken, instant noodles, and barbecued food). Flu season and seasonal change happened at the same time recently, and people should watch out for the sudden sensorineural hearing loss caused by ENT problems. The Eustachian tube of the elder has degenerated and lost its elasticity, which make it easier to cause otitis media effusion. In addition, the three hypers also affect hearing health. Wearing headphone for listening to music or at sleep could cause chronic sudden sensorineural hearing loss and should be avoided.
As part of the 2019 Hearing Month, Family Hearing Day—Thousand People Hearing Screening will be held on March 2nd. Hearing Learning Day will take place on March 23rd, which is the first training class for the professional elderly hearing care personnel at community locations. On March 29th, Hearing Sweepstake Day will conclude the Hearing Month activities by drawing out the final winner through live broadcast by an internet celebrity. The winners of 2018 Hearing Impairment Scholarship of PSA Charitable Foundation will be awarded at the opening ceremony of the event. The Hearing Impairment Scholarship for 2019 will accept application from December 1st to 31st, 2019. Students in high schools, occupational schools, colleges, and graduate schools are welcome to apply for the maximum of NT$30,000 awards. Please see the following website for the brochure: https://goo.gl/JaqqYk.